The Greatest Need in the Church
Can you think of a greater need in the church today than training faithful gospel preachers? The spiritual and numerical growth of the church depends on the gospel being preached. How shall we preach the gospel to future generations, if men are not being trained for ministry? Moreover, what kind of men are we training? Gospel preachers must do the work of an evangelist to have fulfilled ministries (2 Timothy 4:5). Help us to train hardworking, faithful men of integrity, who love the Lord, His church, His word, and the souls of men.
The work we are asking you to consider will not only impact the church today, but prayerfully for years to come. We are proposing a work that will build for today and tomorrow in the Lord’s church.
We believe the preaching of the cross is not only the greatest need in the church, but that it is also the greatest work in the church. No matter what else we may do, if we are not preaching the gospel, we are not saving souls. Where would you be in your life and relationship with God had not a faithful gospel preacher been there to teach you? Will you see to it that a faithful preacher will be there to teach others?
The work we are asking you to consider will not only impact the church today, but prayerfully for years to come. We are proposing a work that will build for today and tomorrow in the Lord’s church.
We believe the preaching of the cross is not only the greatest need in the church, but that it is also the greatest work in the church. No matter what else we may do, if we are not preaching the gospel, we are not saving souls. Where would you be in your life and relationship with God had not a faithful gospel preacher been there to teach you? Will you see to it that a faithful preacher will be there to teach others?
- Andy Erwin